So, you'd like to know what happens and how it feels...

You come to see me and we'll talk about what you'd like to achieve.

And together we begin to map out how we're going to get there.

At the first session after we've had a conversation we will introduce some techniques of NLP so you can begin feeling better after which I'll guide you into hypnosis, you will be quite surprised to realise that you wont fall asleep, you will be aware of everything going on around you and you will be editing and judging everything I say to you.

It will be lovely for you to realise that part of your mind will remain alert and vigilant and at the same time another part of your mind will go deeply into trance. I will evoke your imagination and together we will begin to finesse and correct the inner processes. 

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In essence all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, I certainly couldn't (and wouldn't ) make you do anything against your will, or offer a suggestion which you would find questionable. If in fact I did say something you found unsettling then you would simply emerge from trance.
You will enjoy the process, most everyone does, it's a very lovely way to spend an hour. 

Its not usual for problems to be resolved or changes to be effected with only one session so I would ask you to bear this in mind when you are considering hypnotherapy, however if you would like to give it a go, try something new or even remember something old.
Like revisiting christmas day when you were 5 and got your first bike! or the morning you took your first steps, then please feel free to give it a try
and after that it's up to you.


Consultations are priced at £45 per hour.

During our first meeting and depending on the issues with which you wish to work I can advise you on how many sessions you might require.

Smoking Cessation

Smoking Cessation Packages are a set of 4 one hour sessions. The cost is £180.

Gastric Band Hypnosis

The gastric band hypnosis ( HypnoBand ) is a set 5 session treatment, the first of which is a 2 hour session followed by four 1 hour appointments. You will have homework to do between sessions usually consisting of listening to specially recorded therapy tracks. All supplementary materials are included in the price.
Gastric Band Hypnosis is therefore £400.

Super Slim Group Hypnotherapy

The Super Slim Group Hypnotherapy is a set 6 week course. You can find further information by clicking this link and by liking my Facebook page where I will advertise the dates of future courses. The total cost including all relevant materials is £120.


I am the registered hypnotherapist for Durham County Carers Support and am happy to accept carers vouchers and discounts as advertised in the DCCS handbook towards session payments.
t: 0300 005 1213
Who we are
Hypnotherapy for Health is an independent clinic owned and operated by Tracy Carruthers Pagiatis BSc Psy DHyp CMH GQHP MBPsS
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Appointments and Information
To book an appointment you can call the clinics directly.
If you would like an informal chat or further information about any aspect of this service, please feel free to call me.

t: 07528 175880
Where we are
Get Social
Peaseway Clinic
2 Pease Way
Newton Aycliffe
Co Durham

01325 529000
Pioneering Care Centre
Carers Way
Newton Aycliffe
Co Durham

01325 321234