Who, what, where?

The who bit...

Hypnotherapy for Health, Tracy Pagiatis
So, that's me to the side there. My name is Tracy and my passion is in inspiring health, happiness and well-being. And I do that by helping you find what you are looking for, whether it be strength, motivation, resolution, peace or freedom from anxiety, stress or addictions. At Hypnotherapy for Health I specialise in weight loss, stress and anxiety issues.

And because I do it well, I get you to do it well....as well!

I gained my BSc Degree in Psychology, became certified as a master hypnotist and examiner, clinical hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner and TimeLine therapist. I am a graduate member of The British Psychological Society, member of the Division of Counselling Psychology, the General Hypnotherapy Register and the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council.

Ive always been fascinated by psychology and the way the mind works. After graduation I worked a while at a secure therapy unit for children. I loved working with the kids, devising and implementing therapy programmes that addressed their behavioural and emotional issues, and seeing them progress and grow into more rounded and capable young men and women.

I got bitten by the hypnosis bug around about 2000 when I went to see a hypnotherapist myself for sciatic pain. Having been exposed to all sorts of psychotherapeutic approaches working within secure walls and outside of them in the community, hypnosis was a kind of revelation.

It worked for me....quickly.....in a matter of hours rather than weeks and months, I was fascinated and thought 'well thats the job for me!'

So that's what I did, I began training and haven't stopped learning and delivering the same kind of quick and effective therapy to my clients ever since.

The what bit...

Well the what bit is all about the kinds of therapies and techniques we might use to help you get to be however or wherever you want to be.

Now I love talking and learning and doing all this stuff, however you may be more interested in how it feels, what happens when we get together, what we can do and with what issues we can work. So these are some of the techniques we will be using, and you can click on any of them to find out a little more about that process. I'll talk more about what to expect when you come to see me on the Consultations page. To find out a little more about particular issues you would like help with please click here. Hypnotherapy Services.

The where bit...

The where bit is about where I see my clients.

I hold three clinics a week, two at Peaseway Medical Centre and one at The Pioneering Care Centre, both in Newton Aycliffe. Appointment times range from 9am to 8pm. You can find out a little more about each venue below.
Peaseway Clinic in Newton Aycliffe is a very comfortable private health extension to the Peaseway Medical Centre. The clinic offers many therapies as well as hypnotherapy including the very best of treatment techniques in improving the look and feel of your skin using the latest laser light technology. Treatments are carried out by fully qualified General Practitioners and Laser Specialists - you could not be in better hands. To book an appointment please call 01325 529000. There is a free car park and a private video link entrance on Stephenson Way.
The Pioneering Care Centre is a local healthy living centre, which is run by the PCP. The Centre offers a variety of services and activities to help people of all ages and abilities to improve their health and wellbeing. It provides a range of complementary therapies that offer an alternative way to alleviate the effects of stress, increase energy levels, reduce aches and pains, improve mobility or help you relax. To book an appointment please call the centre on 01325 321234.
Who we are
Hypnotherapy for Health is an independent clinic owned and operated by Tracy Carruthers Pagiatis BSc Psy DHyp CMH GQHP MBPsS
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Appointments and Information
To book an appointment you can call the clinics directly.
If you would like an informal chat or further information about any aspect of this service, please feel free to call me.

t: 07528 175880
e: tracy@hypnotherapyforhealth.net
Where we are
Get Social
Peaseway Clinic
2 Pease Way
Newton Aycliffe
Co Durham

01325 529000
Pioneering Care Centre
Carers Way
Newton Aycliffe
Co Durham

01325 321234