Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)  is a bit like an 'owners manual' for your brain!

At school and college we learned wonderful things like history and geography and algebra but we did not learn much about how to feel good or to have great relationships. That's where NLP comes in.
NLP is an ever-growing collection of information and insights, backed up by a huge range of mental techniques that can enable you to improve how you think, behave and feel.

NLP is used for personal development and for success in business. It is the practice of understanding how people organise their thinking, feeling, language and behaviour to produce the results they do.
It provides people with a methodology to model outstanding performances achieved by geniuses and leaders in their field.

NLP is a set of tools, models and techniques...with which you can actively use your mind and your emotions and your body to run your own life more successfully and to communicate with other people with 'extra-ordinary' effectiveness.
Who we are
Hypnotherapy for Health is an independent clinic owned and operated by Tracy Carruthers Pagiatis BSc Psy DHyp CMH GQHP MBPsS
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Appointments and Information
To book an appointment you can call the clinics directly.
If you would like an informal chat or further information about any aspect of this service, please feel free to call me.

t: 07528 175880
Where we are
Get Social
Peaseway Clinic
2 Pease Way
Newton Aycliffe
Co Durham

01325 529000
Pioneering Care Centre
Carers Way
Newton Aycliffe
Co Durham

01325 321234