TimeLine Therapy

Time Line Therapy™ is a collection of techniques that allow you to gain emotional control over your life.
Inappropriate emotional reactions, such as bursts of anger, periods of apathy, depression, sadness, anxiety, and chronic fear, are responsible for preventing people from achieving the quality of life they desire.

Limiting decisions, such as "I'm not good enough," "I'll never be rich," or "I can't do this," create false limitations and hamper your ability to create reachable and attainable goals and outcomes.

Created by Dr. Tad James, Time Line Therapy¨ techniques enable you to eliminate many types of issues in your past, thus allowing you to move forward toward your goals and desires.

Next, what if you could go back and re-do any old decision that you made in the past, and decide in a new way -- a way that supported who you want to be now?

Then, what if we could have every event in the past be reevaluated in just such a similar way as to support the way you wanted to be now?

With Time Line Therapy®, we also have the ability to reevaluate our past, and change any decision which limits us. To a certain extent our behaviour is guided by the decisions that we've made in the past.

Whether conscious or unconscious, these decisions affect our behavior in the present. Our decisions are stored in the Time Line, and through our Time Line we gain access to them.

Who we are
Hypnotherapy for Health is an independent clinic owned and operated by Tracy Carruthers Pagiatis BSc Psy DHyp CMH GQHP MBPsS
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Appointments and Information
To book an appointment you can call the clinics directly.
If you would like an informal chat or further information about any aspect of this service, please feel free to call me.

t: 07528 175880
e: tracy@hypnotherapyforhealth.net
Where we are
Get Social
Peaseway Clinic
2 Pease Way
Newton Aycliffe
Co Durham

01325 529000
Pioneering Care Centre
Carers Way
Newton Aycliffe
Co Durham

01325 321234