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Anxiety and panic can limit and severely disrupt many peoples lives and their effects can damage our health physically and emotionally.

These feelings that arise, beyond any conscious control, can affect the way we do our jobs or form relationships, can influence the decisions we make in our social lives, where we go or what we feel comfortable or capable of achieving.

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Smoking becomes a habit that is so well ingrained that it almost seems to be a reflexive action that is impossible to quit. And all the government or friendly advice to the danger can't seem to create the right mindset that quitting will cause anything but personal distress.

And perhaps you've tried many times before and have come to believe that you just can't do it. Your logical thinking part of your brain wants to successfully quit but the habits cause is way down deep in your unconscious and thats where hypnotherapy can effectively reprogram that need.

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Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by both good and bad experiences. When 'stressed' the body thinks it's under attack and switches to 'fight or flight' mode releasing a complex mix of hormones and chemicals to prepare the body for physical action.

Imagine a symphony orchestra getting out of control. The string section a few bars ahead of the brass, the percussion banging a beat from a different piece entirely and the conductor waving his arms twice as fast as the score demands. Eventually the musicians attempting to get in time with the chaos become more frenzied until they finally collapse.

Similarly as a person perpetuates stress, enduring excessive tension they too can experience an out of control overwhelming feeling and or suffer illnesses relating to that stress.

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Hypnotherapy for weight loss takes a many pronged approach to the issue that faces a lot of us today. We all are aware of the potential and associated health risks of being overweight and yet somehow for a lot of us the ability to maintain a healthy eating regime remains out of reach.

And having someone tell us "Well, really it's ever so simple, just eat less and move more!" Does not help in the slightest, as if we were unaware of the simple mathematics of it all along.

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There is no denying the effect of chronic disorders or chronic pain on our mental health.

Equally we are learning more and more about the physical effects that our mental health can have on the body.

The NHS describe a major portion of patient reported symptoms have no pathological cause yet patients continue to suffer stomach disorders, muscle spasms, tinnitus, headaches, colitis, to name but a few.

It is eminently known that positive mental health, attitude and expectation play a huge part in our self care and ability to heal.

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Good sleep is essential to healthy functioning.

Insomnia or Insufficient sleep takes a toll on your energy as well as your emotional and physical stamina needed to get through the day. It is a product of and a cause of stress.

Tossing and turning, clock watching or falling asleep only to wake up after a little while and lie despairing all night can make life very difficult.

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Phobias are described as irrational fears and the severity of their physical effect can range from mild to intense.

Even though fear in itself is a protective instinct that helps keep us safe, when they are not useful they can become a problem. Not all useless fears are harmful though.

A person with a useless fear that is magnified into a single phobia can often function quite well just by avoiding that one object or situation that stimulates that fear.

However when it does affect a persons emotional, social or work life then hypnotherapy can certainly help unlock that automatic response bound tight to that old trigger.

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Self confidence and self esteem are born of experience and the major cause of poor self esteem is past negative programming.

Judgemental parenting, or emotionally unsupportive relationships can create a way of thinking about yourself that is highly critical.

You inherit that kind of 'thinking style' and acquire a harshly critical inner voice.

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There is a broad area of therapies available to those looking to improve their academic or work performance.

For people looking for advancement, in developing creativity, alleviating anxiety etc.

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When you come to see me we'll talk about what you'd like to achieve.

And together we will begin to map out how we're going to get there.

At the first session after we've had a conversation we will introduce some techniques of NLP so you can begin feeling better after which I'll guide you into hypnosis, you will be quite surprised to realise that you wont fall asleep, you will be aware of everything going on around you and you will be editing and judging everything I say to you.

It will be lovely for you to realise that part of your mind will remain alert and vigilant and at the same time another part of your mind will go deeply into trance.
I will evoke your imagination and together we will begin to finesse and correct the inner processes. 

In essence all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, I certainly couldn't (and wouldn't ) make you do anything against your will, or offer a suggestion which you would find questionable. If in fact I did say something you found unsettling then you would simply emerge from trance.
You will enjoy the process, most everyone does, it's a very lovely way to spend an hour. 

It's not usual for problems to be resolved or changes to be effected with only one session so I would ask you to bear this in mind when you are considering hypnotherapy, however clients attend for an average of 3 consultations.

Price List

Consultations are priced at £55 per hour.

Group Hypnosis

Weight loss and smoking cessation. Currently, groups are restricted to up to 3 people from the same social bubble. Priced at 'per hour' session rather than per person, the cost is shared and you can enjoy an added level of support with family or friends.


Smoking Cessation

The smoking cessation package is a single 2 hour session.


Gastric Band Hypnosis

The gastric band hypnosis ( HypnoBand ) is a set 5 session treatment, the first of which is a 2 hour session followed by four 1 hour appointments. You will have homework to do between sessions usually consisting of listening to specially recorded therapy tracks. All supplementary materials are included in the price.



  • account_circle
    Thank you so much-it's been life changing and for the first time ever, I like 'me.
    Mrs M - Stockton
  • account_circle
    I just want you to know I'm more than grateful for all the time & patience you've shown me over the last few weeks. My therapy sessions have been second to none as you're such a warm & friendly woman & funny may I add lol. But also brilliant at what you do. I can't thank you enough! I'll keep you posted on my progress but I should hopefully be just fine thanks to you. I know if I ever need to see you again I won't think twice to book an appointment! Thank you again!
    Mrs D - Newton Aycliffe
  • account_circle
    It was an amazing experience the staff were lovely and welcoming when you arrive, then Tracy comes out to meet you and she is so warm and friendly and puts you at ease. I have smoked all my life so I was skeptical that it would work for me. It has now been 10 days since I saw Tracy to quit smoking and I have not touched a cigarette since that day, so a big thank you to Tracy from me, well worth the 5 star rating.
    Mrs H - Bishop Auckland
  • account_circle
    Tracy was recommended by a friend when my son suddenly started suffering badly with anxiety attacks during his university presentations to the extent he found them unbearable. He had 3 sessions with Tracy and found her so easy to talk to. After his 1st session he could feel a difference. His confidence grew and his anxiety became easier to deal with, so much so that within a month he was able to do his presentation and smashed it!! He's so happy and relieved and I'm so pleased we met her. Thank you so much you are amazing!
    Mrs P - Richmond
  • account_circle
    Just thought I'd let you know since I saw you Thursday I've not had a bad pain flare up! I've reduced my pain medication as well as I haven't needed to take them which I'm delighted with as they make me feel fatigued all the time. Can't thank you enough! Take care ..see you soon.
    Mrs H - Newton Aycliffe
  • account_circle
    Thanks again for your help, it has changed my life. I wish I had seen you years ago, thank you again.
    Mr C - Newton Aycliffe
  • account_circle
    Hi Tracy just wanted you to know since our sessions 3 months ago I have lost nearly 3 stone. You got me back in the zone....thank you.
    Mrs D - Newton Aycliffe
  • account_circle
    Thanks for helping me to get my life and confidence back. I would recommend your service to anyone; you just have to open your mind and be willing to find your answers from within.
    Mrs K - Newton Aycliffe
  • account_circle
    Tracy is fantastic, friendly, caring and very welcoming. I have really enjoyed these sessions and I don't feel like I'm on a diet. I would definitely recommend.
    Mrs T - Newton Aycliffe
  • account_circle
    I just wanted to let you know how amazing you are!! I have never touched a cheese and pickle sandwich or stopped at the chip shop for chips on the way home since my visit to you!! I have stopped for a fish without batter but I never have chips. I have only had a bit of a binge on two occasions and I didn’t enjoy either of them so I am never tempted to do it again. I am 3 pounds away from my target at Slimming World. You have kept me on track and I haven’t lapsed in to old habits, not even when I got back from my holiday (which is usually the case for me). I don’t even think about eating all the rubbish I used to eat and definitely don’t want to go back to eating like that. I feel so much better, I rarely have ‘off days’ and have lots more energy.
    Mrs J - Durham
  • account_circle
    You were very welcoming and I felt at ease straight away. The session didnt feel 'clinical' in any way and it was like talking to a friend. I gave no criticisms at all.
    Mr C - Durham
  • account_circle
    I really enjoyed my sessions with Tracy . Lovely person, I felt really relaxed with her . Ist time I have felt confident in a therapist.
    Ms A -Stockton
  • account_circle
    I found you very professional, caring and friendly which put me at ease. First class service now.
    Ms P - Bishop Auckland
  • account_circle
    Enjoyable session which proved invaluable to me. Will use again.
    Mr R - Durham

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Speak soon, take care


  • Peaseway Clinic
  • 2 Pease Way
  • Newton Aycliffe
  • Co Durham
  • DL5 5NH

Peaseway Clinic 01325 529000

Who we are

Hypnotherapy for Health is an independent clinic owned and operated by Tracy Carruthers Pagiatis BSc Psy DHyp CMH GQHP MBPsS

m: 07528 175880

If you would like to book an appointment please feel free to call the clinic directly.

And if you would like an informal chat or have any questions at all then please call my mobile number or send an email.

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